Knuckle Cracking: What is that Sound?

Knuckle Cracking: What is that Sound?

Knuckle cracking has been around for centuries and is a habit that many people still maintain. In recent years, however, the habit has come under scrutiny due to concerns about the potential for long-term damage to the joints. Despite this, there is no solid evidence...
Posture and Tech Neck

Posture and Tech Neck

As technology continues to advance, it has become an inseparable part of our lives. We use our phones, laptops, and tablets constantly, which can lead to poor posture and the resulting condition known as “tech neck”. Tech neck is a form of forward head posture due to...
What is a Disc Herniation, and How Do They Occur?

What is a Disc Herniation, and How Do They Occur?

A disc herniation, also known as a slipped disc, is a condition in which the gel-like center of the spinal disc, known as the nucleus pulposus, ruptures or bulges outward and presses on the nerves surrounding the spine. This can cause pain, numbness, or weakness in...
Benefits of an Anti Inflammatory Diet

Benefits of an Anti Inflammatory Diet

Benefits of an Anti Inflammatory Diet We all want to maintain our health and well being, and one way to do that is by following an anti-inflammatory diet. An anti-inflammatory diet is one that is focused on reducing inflammation in the body. This type of diet has been...

On-Site Massage Care

On-Site Massage Care Study after study has shown that 99% of employees will participate in a chair massage program, which can be cheaper than providing coffee and food to the office. Massages have been associated with increased immunity to sickness, improvement in...