Common Injuries for Triathletes

Triathlete Injuries SWIM:
Rotator cuff strain or impingement: Pain on the front or outside of the arm. Common found with repetitive overhead activities (swimming). The group of four muscles mainly responsible for stabilization of the shoulder is collectively called the rotator cuff. Impingement = compression of the rotator cuff tendons between the bones of the shoulder.
Cervical Strain: Pain at base of skull or along sides of neck. Common with biking because of prolonged extension – May need to have bike fit assessed or posture on bike- use eyes more than neck to look ahead. Frequent stretching helps.
Lumbar Strain/pain: Pain around lower back. May be due to tightness, weak abs, or improper positioning on the bike. Seek medical attention if pain radiates down leg or if you have numbness/tingling.
Patellofemoral Syndrome: Pain in front of the knee or under the kneecap. Can feel pain running, biking, and descending stairs or with prolonged sitting or squatting. Can be caused by anatomic malalignment, poor bike fit or strength imbalances and tightness.
Patellar Tendinitis: Pain below the kneecap. Usually aggravated by jumping and mid to full squat. May feel pain with biking/running. Often associated with decreased quad strength and can co-exist with patellofemoral syndrome.
Hamstring tears or strains: Can occur with running or cycling. Usually caused by tight hamstrings due to overtraining or muscle imbalances. Pain can be sharp and persistent. Gentle stretching, massage, ice for acute injury.
Achilles Tendinitis: May have pain, swelling and tenderness to touch at heel cord. Can be due to calf weakness or tightness, poor footwear, overtraining (running) will affect running and possibly cycling.
ITB Syndrome: ITB is a fibrous band that runs down the side of the leg from the hip to the knee. Usually pain is localized to the outside of the thigh, just above the knee and is sharp/stabbing. If the band becomes tight it rubs over bony areas and causes irritation and pain. Pain can be with running or bending the knee with cycling.
Plantar Fasciitis: Pain in heel and can be along the arch. Worst first thing in a.m. Common with pronated feet (low arches) and aggravated by walking/running. May need orthotics or motion control shoes.
Shin Splints: Pain, tenderness, and mild swelling next to the medial (inside) lower half of the tibia (shin bone). Common with overpronators, running on hard/slanted surfaces, or downhill, worn out or inappropriate footwear, tight calves.
All the doctors at SF Custom Chiropractic are sports chiropractors and can always help assist you with your healing process with injuries. Just give us a call to find out more 415.788.8700!


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San Francisco, CA 94158

Phone : (415) 521-3073

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San Francisco, CA 94109

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